Firstly, absolutely everyone has psychic ability! There’s nothing spooky or extraordinary about being psychic, in fact it’s a very natural human characteristic. We all have the ability to develop and strengthen psychic skills just like any other skill. If you’ve ever received a hunch, or a gut feeling about a particular person or situation then you’ve already had a psychic experience – and you’ll be able to experience that again, and again, and again.
A major part of being human is being able to interact with the world around us through our physical senses. This aspect of Self awareness forms part of our intelligence and consciousness, and in many ways will determine which senses, or ‘clairs’ are best oriented to working psychically. In the psychic domain our physical senses expand to create ‘clairs’. For example, ‘clair’-sentience is the extention of our feelings and emotions, ‘clair’-voyance is the extension of sight and ‘clair’-audience is the extension of hearing. Each of our 5 physical senses has a ‘clair’ associated with it.
Everyone can receive psychic messages. However, the challenge is in how we interpret the information we receive, which is why training and development in a dedicated group is recommended. This approach is similar to the way we develop any other skillset in life where we connect with like minded individuals in a learning environment.
Clairsentience is regarded as the foundation stone of all the psychic sense
Clairsentience is regarded as the foundation stone of all the psychic senses. It is the most important ‘clair’ to unfold if you’re hoping to develop both psychically and mediumistically. It forms the basis of how we work as psychics, mediums or healers, and our ability to augment our psychic faculties is based on the strength and flexibility of this fundamental sense.
If you think about it, the skin is the largest organ in the body, and is therefore the easiest of all the ‘clairs’ to develop. We all have the capacity to feel things, we can all sense pain or discomfort in our bodies, and we all can experience emotions and feelings. When we start to think of clairsentience as the ‘expression of one’s experiences’ then we begin to understand how these experiences may then be interpreted through our senses, or ‘clairs’.
When we start to think of clairsentience as the ‘expression of one’s experiences’ then we begin to understand how these experiences may then be interpreted through our senses.
How Does Clairsentience Work?
Clairsentience is very subtle, it uses our physical sensations, our feelings and our emotions to convey psychic messages about people, objects or situations. It can use our experiences of the past in such a way that it feels like our emotional memories are resurfacing. Every experience we have is stored away in our memory banks so they can be retrieved at a later date and used in psychic message.
Take a moment to reflect on some of your memories, and identify the physical sensations, emotions or feelings connected each of the following experiences:
Feelings of joy and excitement – from opening xmas presents as a child
Feelings of sadness and grief – from the death of a close relative, friend or pet
Feelings of physical discomfort – from a bad cold or flu
Feelings of acute physical pain – from a nasty burn or bee sting
Feelings of romantic love – from your first romantic connection
When we interact with people, objects, places or situations our auric field works like antenae extending out from our body in all directions. It connects us to our environment by chaneleing energetic information back through our chakra system that arethen oriented through our psychic senses (or clairs). Clairsentient messages are specifically translated into a physical sensations, feelings or emotions in a way that helps us understand what is happening immediately around us.
Our auric field works like antennae extending out from our body in all directions..
Take for example a hunch or a gut feeling you have about a person you’ve just met. If you receive feelings of uneasiness or mistrust, then depending on how much you trust your instincts, you may decide to not interact with this person, or if the situation or type of relationship does not support this (eg work relationships) then you may wish to pursue a line of investigation or action that helps you manage the relationship going forward. This is an example of how we use clairsentience to manage our everyday relationships and experiences.

9 Signs You're Clairsentient:
Everyone is psychic, but most people have a dominant ‘clair’. If your strongest psychic sense is clairsentience then all or most of the following with relate to you:
You're highly sensitive to energies in your environment and easily pick up on the ‘vibe’ of a place, an object, a situation or a person.
You’re a good judge of character and you trust your gut.
You can tell when someone is lying to you.
You can empathise with others easily, sensing how they are feeling, and what they’re going through.
You have a connection with plants or animals and can sense how they are feeling.
You sometimes ‘feel’ the presence of energies around you that aren’t yours
You sometimes ‘feel’ other people’s pain, even the location and type of pain they're experiencing.
You tend to use the phrase ‘I feel’ a lot in conversations with others.
You're 'in tune' with your feelings and emotions

13 Ways We Block Clairsentience:
The ways that we inhibit our block our psychic senses can be very subtle. Possessing a good sense of self awareness will enable you to comprehend and manage the following challenges:
Blocked feelings and emotions. We may not always be aware of how/when/why this has happened, but generally speaking this will be related to pain, trauma, conflict, abuse, anxiety, fear or depression etc of some kind that has not been healed or resolved. If we’re interpreting any senses through the ‘lens of our own struggles’ then we’’’ be limiting our potential to see the truth.
Letting our feelings and emotions get in the way. This is very common in the case of personal/romantic relationships. We must always be as objective as possible and not let any of our own personal challenges/issues/expectations interrupt or disrupt the information we are receiving.
Medications. Some medications (e.g. pain relievers, antidepressants etc) can block us from experiencing the fullness of our emotions, feelings and empathy.
Addictions – especially drugs and alcohol. These will alter our mind and our perceptions to the point where we loose oursense for reality and truth. Fundamentally speaking, addictions keep us trapped in the lower energies (or chakras). When we are making soul connections it’s important to be focused on raising your vibration and therefore lifting our consciousness/awareness to the upper chakras.
Unability to manage boundaries. Boundaries can be physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual. When boundaries are not maintained in the physical world we become unable to distinguish which feelings and emotions belongs to us vs. others. When we are unable to manage boundaries well in the Spirit world we can become constantly disrupted by unwanted Spirits (e.g. troubled relatives).
Trust issues. If we’re unable to trust in the information that we are receiving then we’ll never be able to trust in our own abilities and this will in turn affect our spiritual development. We must learn to trust the feelings and emotions we are receiving – this is how we unfold clairsentience which leads to the unfoldment of our intuition.
Control issues. Controlling the outcome or experience will result in the ability being compromised, restricted or even shut down. We must learn to release and let go. We must hold a sense of openness at all times to what we receive and how we receive it.
Fear of being wrong. This is one of the biggest blocks to the unfoldment of clairsentience but also our entire spiritual development. It’s so important to view mistakes as golden learning opportunities for growth, and not to be impacted by the judgement or approval of others.
Fear of the unknown. Some people are just afraid of things they cannot see or explain – they feel unsafe. It is vital to maintain good spiritual hygiene and have adequate protections in place. We must always be safe and hold a ‘duty of care’ for our recipients.
Expectations around the outcome or the experience. We must let go of any pre-conceived ideas or expectations of what we ‘think’ it should ‘feel’ like. The reality is that every connection will be different because every persons experience of the world is unique.
Unable to silence the mind. If you have a ‘monkey-mind’ or an overactive-mind that finds it difficult concentrate or focus then you will find it hard to maintain the soul connection. Regular meditation will assist with this.
Tension. Being able to relax and enjoy this work is absolutely key. When we are relaxed everything goes smoothly. When we are tense and uptight our abilities become strained and restricted. Also tension can be transferred to the recipient which creates a whole raft of issues.
Lacking confidence. If you keep telling yourself that you can’t do this then chances are that you’ll never be able to. Remember, our consciousness/thinking drives our reality/experience. I personally find that affirmations really help with confidence along with keeping a brag book or journal to document my achievements.